[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]AES Netherlands will be the protagonist of the event, with Bert Kraaijpoel, Lecturer in Psychoacoustics at the Koninklijk Conservatorium, coordinating the event, and with the participation of Benk Kok, acoustic consultant and AES Member. Also confirmed are the sponsors d&b audiotechnik and Genelec, along with Kling&Freitag and its Dutch distributor HPA Pro Audio.
Over the last few days, some important elements have been added to the AudioForum@ISE2020 programme: the partnership with AES has been further strengthened, with two important new initiatives. The event will be coordinated by Bert Kraaijpoel, Secretary of the Netherlands Section of AES, Lecturer in Psychoacoustics at the Koninklijk Conservatorium and Lecturer in the Audio field for the Netherlands Film Academy; AES will also be represented by Benk Kok, acoustic consultant and AES Member, who will talk about the important relationship between acoustics and architecture… but also between audio professionals and architects.
Contributions from the sponsors of the event – d&b audiotechnik, Genelec and Kling&Freitag together with the latter’s Dutch distributor, HPA Pro Audio – have also been confirmed and they will be there to meet with attendees. HPA Pro Audio will also provide the technical equipment and assistance to ensure impeccable audio, in line with the topics of the day.
Finally, we invite everyone who is interested and who has not yet registered to do so within the next few days: Early Bird promotions for early registration are still in effect, as well as special rates for those who have participated in previous editions. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Full programme and inscription: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/audioforumise-2020-tickets-79121748279
Infoline: info@connessioni.biz
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10 February 2020
RAI Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
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