The relationship between NFT, the concept of the digital canvas, and the eventual extension, just beginning, towards the world of Web 3.0, from the Metaverse to AI, was the focus of an article just published in issue 56 of Connessioni. We just closed the magazine and the Let’s Get Digital! exhibition was announced. It will run until 31 July in the spaces of the Strozzina and the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi in Florence and aims to take us into the universe of NFT through the digital and multimedia installations of five international artists: Refik Anadol, Anyma, Daniel Arsham, Beeple, Krista Kim and Andrés Reisinger.
All the works of art have the common denominator of being NFT – Non Fungible Tokens – digital certificates of authenticity that are redefining the concepts of uniqueness and value of a work of art. Let’s Get Digital! proposes a glimpse of a movement in full evolution and transformation, which for many is only the starting point for an increasingly accelerated blending of aesthetics and new technologies, a revolution for the entire art world, digital and not only digital.
And I assure you that you need only to pass through the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi to have a direct experience of this relationship: a gigantic LED display, container, and interpreter at the same time of digital art, an expression in this case that is both magnetic and engaging, thanks also to the very high video quality, brightness in broad daylight, and brilliant colour rendering. Probably if LEDs were not what they are today, the result would not be achievable, and it is worth taking a leap into it: we are not talking about a niche market, but about applications that will most likely be widespread in the future.
The exhibition is promoted and organised by the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and the Fondazione Hillary Merkus Recordati as part of the Palazzo Strozzi Future Art project. Supporters: Fondazione CR Firenze, Comune di Firenze, Regione Toscana, Camera di Commercio di Firenze, Intesa Sanpaolo, Comitato dei Partner di Palazzo Strozzi.