Yes, in fact it is not the same thing presenting your speech in front of an audience, or in front of the same audience, but in a digital and immersive environment. This was the kick off at Active Spaces Virtual, the event organized by Connessioni in collaboration with WhatWeAre, about digital technologies for work and study, which took place on June 5.
And if needs become virtues, the restrictions in place for the health emergency have at least led to the desire to get back into the game, and find new ways to achieve the same objectives but with different means.
For us, this meant focusing on immersivity: Active Spaces Virtual took the place of the project launched at the beginning of the year, that was a series of events dedicated to professional end-users who work in the design or management of AV environments, accredited by Ordini Professionali for the continuous training of Engineers and Architects. However, it was not a Webinar but a real face-to-face event, even if digital, where the participants nevertheless took part directly in the works. How? With a digital personification, i.e. an avatar and a virtual environment where to live a direct experience. The environments and the technical platform were developed by WhatWeAre.
After the reception and registration, training sessions took place in the plenary room, during the morning: we talked about learning through virtual immersivity with Luca Sancricca, about Audio Video and IT with Alberto Forchino, and thanks to the contribution of AVIXA, about the changing approach and staff management with Smart Working. But we have also introduced more technical topics, such as the importance of integration that enhances the potential of workers with Adriano d’Alessio of Lightware, about video tools and audio conference with Marco Calò of Prase Media Technologies, about the world of accessories and safety, with Mario Romagnoli of Euromet.
The program continued with some workshops: the participants, divided into groups, answered a questionnaire on how to set up and design a state-of-the-art “Active Space”, and then experience firsthand, through their avatar, the environment like the one covered by the questionnaire, reproduced thanks to digital technologies. Design, experience and gaming, for an experimental event that we hope we will have the opportunity to propose again, perhaps in parallel with those in attendance.
But how did it go? We leave the floor to Marco Calò of Prase Media Technologies, speaker of the training day. “A definitely positive and useful experience, which has the potential to be further improved. As a speaker – Calò says -, it was quite amazing speaking in front of an audience of virtual people, a different and more engaging experience than the Webinars that I have already had several times to hold, and even less tiring. An opportunity to get in touch with new professionals, even in this period of restrictions and in complete safety. To repeat”.
Thanks to Marco Calò and Prase Media Technologies, Euromet, Lightware and AVIXA who joined us in experimenting with new ways for networking in time of restrictions, to the Ordine degli Architetti who trusted the program as a training tool for its subscribers.