You can now download Tesira 4.4.3 firmware updates with new features and improvements.
New features:
Added prefixed line output for Assistive Listening Output TesiraFORTÉ X once Launch is performed.
Enabled GPIO logic input to support muting from fire alarm on Tesira FortèX once Launch is performed.
Added support for updated hardware components for TesiraFORTÉ X Rev. C. All TesiraFORTÉ Rev. C systems must use Tesira firmware version 4.4.3 or later. All previous versions of TesiraFORTÉ are supported in this firmware version.
Tesiraforte X will now emit a pulsing light from the Launch button when a firmware update has introduced new features that require re-launching the Launch procedure to be used. The Launch website will also prompt a rerun of the procedure should it be necessary. In addition to the new features and refinements, the Tesira 4.4.3 update resolves several firmware issues.