When you enter Hall 1, you’ll immediately notices that video at ISE seems to take the lion’s share; as already pointed out yesterday, the stands are impressive, with many spectacular solutions that almost compete with each other. But it is audio the real critical tool, capable of undermining communication if not adequate, and of effectively communicating emotions and sensations beyond words.
Yesterday morning we had the opportunity to speak with a representative of the premium audio world: those brands experience the neessity of communicating that audio is not an accessory but a fundamental element of any project, which deserves attention and investment. Not only: the challenge is also to make the customer understand the competitive advantage of a quality system, perhaps more demanding but capable of providing a truly better experience.
The key to this process may be to first rely on the experience of the users, who are probably more capable than those who design or build, of communicating the benefit of a greater commitment, including economic, to a quality system. “When a customer, for example, during set-up realises the difference and perhaps asks to be able to listen to his favourite music with that system, it means that we have put an extra brick in the construction of this awareness,” our interlocutor told us.
Il secondo elemento è valorizzare, tramite la formazione e magari anche adeguati margini, le competenze e l’impegno di chi è in grado di proporre al cliente finale una esperienza superiore dell’ascolto, conducendolo a comprendere che quella differenza ne vale la pena. Da parte dei marchi sarà quindi anche importante aiutare i propri partner a creare quel “vocabolario”, cioè gli strumenti adatti a comunicare questi valori.
The second element is to enhance, through training and perhaps adequate margins, the skills and commitment of those who are able to offer to the end customer a superior listening experience, leading them to understand that the difference is worth it. On the part of brands, it will therefore also be important to help their partners create that ‘vocabulary’, i.e. the right tools to communicate these values.